American Bushman

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing." —Benjamin Franklin

Monday, March 12, 2007

Getting Out

I did manage a bit of woods time yesterday. After a long weekend of hard work, late nights, and long days I managed to sneak into the woods for a few hours for the first time this year.


How'd it take so long?

The ground was still slightly frozen but covered with a layer of snowy muddy slop. The temperature was warmer however and the birds were starting to become a bit more active.

We've had lots of rain and snow in recent weeks and the sudden warm-up means the creeks and rivers are at flood levels.

Combine the high water with the lack of sleep and the fatigue hard work provides and you've got a recipe for wet feet...well, at least I had that recipe.

I was standing on the bank of the creek enjoying the "medicine of the sky" with my eyes closed when I suddenly pitched forward, stepped out to catch myself, and went right through the ice up nearly up to my knees. Then, to avoid going all the way in, I threw my weight back and landed on the wet, muddy bank right on my butt. That's right, wet pants...front and back--Cold wet pants I'd add...

I headed back for the little campsite and gathered some dried grasses and dead sticks and twigs and, with my Aurora and a Firesteel, got myself a little warming/drying fire going. This burned while I sat on my space blanket comtemplating how I'd managed to get so wet and marvelling at just how warm my feet felt in wool socks despite the icy water inside my boots.

I attempted to carve a spoon but the combination of tired hands, wet feet, and a lack of suitable wood had me putting off that project for another day.

All in all it was still a great day in the woods. I made a fire using my knife and firesteel and natural materials, I managed to get wet and dirty, and I got out of the house for a few hours unencumbered by the usual weekend obligations.

Thanks for reading,



At 3:55 PM, Blogger Chris Cowell said...

A simple but inspiring little tale - it is wonderful to be able to grab these precious few hours and get away from real life! I am now very much looking forward to the weekend. Thank you very much :)


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